Safety Concerns
As with everywhere on the planet we travel to there are safety concerns. We will make some suggestions here.- When booking transportation and tours in Belize make certain that the companies you choose to share Belize with you are legitimate, insured, safe and professional.
- Always tell operators of any health problems or maladies before you book some trips (some trips are more physically and or psychologically demanding than others.
- Always let your operator know of any allergies you may have, whether food or other allergies.
- On tours, never strays away from guide. If you would like to access something or walk a different route while on tour, please let the guide give you the green light before going on your own.
- Always hydrate when you are in Belize or anywhere in the topics!
- Insect repellent are not always needed but we suggest you have some just in case.
- If you have any questions at all, please never be too shy to ask.