What beautiful birds are owls! They are secretive, silent, and non-obtrusive – it’s like these graceful birds know their importance and elegance and they manage it with a humility of a superstar entrepreneur who doesn’t have a social media page but no one can dismiss them. In small Belize we have been blessed with wonderful places and spaces where the world can come to witness over 500 species of birds. People can come today and be in awe at first – such a small country with bubbly people with a ready smile. Then, one begins to realize that everywhere they go there are birds! Everywhere!
Belize’s birding network is definitely growing. The pace at which this wonderful activity is picking up in Belize is amazing and impressive. Most people will be able to tell you the names and local names of the birds in their neighborhood. We will even let you in to the myths of these graceful creatures.
To the delight of many amateur and professional bird watchers and those searching for their “lifers” (for those who do not understand this jargon, it means the birds people have not yet seen and “need” to see those species that have deceived them for most of their bird watching lives), Belize has areas throughout the country that can become a birders “spiritual” place. Many people may have heard of some of these places already such as Crooked Tree Village in Northern Belize. There are also the protected areas and archaeological sites that are scattered all over the country.
Now, to come back to our original bird, owls have fascinated the people in all areas of the world. Many people have seen owls and few of them know them by their species names. In this part of the world, some of the owls go by names such as, barn owls, burrowing owls, crested owls, striped owls vermiculated screech owl, Central American pygmy owl, black and white owl and spectacled owl, to name a few.
Owls have been associated with American Indian ideas of the relations to prophecy and divination, and shamanistic powers. In some parts of Africa, cultures have organized their thoughts that owls are related to sorcery. The wonderful, elegant and mysterious creature that the owl is has both stumped and amazed cultures throughout the world.
Today, with this blog, we are making it an invitation for you to come visit Belize. Bring with you your binoculars. If you don’t have one, borrow one from your cousin or friend. There are gifts with wings in this country and we want to share them with you. We believe that every person is a birder. For those who have never been bird watching, it’s time to give yourself a chance to immerse yourselves into the nooks and crannies of the earth to get a chance to see some amazing natural gifts that are the birds. There is some peace to it. There is something that happens to bird watchers – maybe it’s the places they go. Maybe it’s the peace in the enjoyment of witnessing species that are absolutely amazing. For us, today, it’s the owl. Come to Belize and write your very own bird story.