A Concise History Of Mesoamerica And The Ancient Maya Part 1
The Maya did not evolve in isolation. They made up one of the cultures of mesoamerica. Their neighbours were people like the Zapoteca, Huaxteca, Tolteca, Tlaxcalans, Mexica (Aztecs) – these peoples were all contemporary with the ancient Maya.
The Teotihuacanos were one of the first civilisations. The Olmec civilisation who lived in the Gulf Coast of Mexico had organised civilisation which began about 1500BC to about 600BC, then they were absorbed as a culture into the larger culture that Mesoamericans will pursue after 600BC.
It is wise to state the chronology of Mesoamerica here:
10,000BC – 7000BC The Paleo-Indian Period
7,000BC – 2,000BC Archaic Period
2,000BC – 300AD Pre-classic (Formative Period)
300AD – 900AD Classic Period
900AD – 1,500AD Post Classic Period
1,500AD – Present Historical Period
The Maya, lived within this vast land which is m
Mesoamerican in simple, quiet village life in places like El Baul for example.
Between 900 and 300 BC, there is great trade going on within groups in the Mesoamerican area. Scholars have deciphered that between 300BC and 300AD is when the Maya civilization develops most of their sophistication – at least about the birth of Christ.
Certainly, scholars did not originally share all the information we know today about these great people. In fact, we think it is important to make a note of the history of the research of the ancient Maya. We add this below:
Spanish Travellers: (1520-1759)
Spanish Explorers: (1760-1840)
Major Scholars: (1920-1970)
Problem Oriented Period: (1970-Present)
Later in the writing, we will come back to the table above and go into detail for the dates applied. What we certainly want to share, because like us, the earliest people wanted to know the origins of these people who were claiming that their ancestors were the ones to build the buildings these explorers were consistently finding in one of the most unforgiving jungles in the world. We will now add a list of ideas that people were suggesting to have been the origin of the ancient Maya civilization:
- Atlantis
- Mu
- Lost Tribes of Israel
- Africa
- Aliens (Yes, from outer space – diffusionists/hyperdiffusionist theories)
- Native (In situ, Local)
Our next investment, Part 2, we will discuss the history of the research in detail. Should you have any questions, please contact us by posting on the website info@ninebelize.com or tourswithnine@gmail.com.
We want to help you understand our history.