16 Reasons Why People Travel (In Pictures)
Not everyone in the world gets a chance to travel. For those who travel, travelling is a university. In fact, its a university no other university on the planet have subjects that can truly give you that PhD that travel can. We wish everyone decides to travel. Nothing is impossible, so lets not make excuses. Everything will work if there is a goal and a plan.While there are a million reasons people travel, here are a few reasons in pictures why people travel:
We travel because where we live and love gets cccooolllldddd…
Central Park New York. Photo Credit Vivienne Gucwa
Because our teams season is over (don’t get it wrong, we are Cubs fans since 1984 – the year Belize got cable TV!)
Wrigley Field, Chicago. Photo Credit The Washington Post
Because we want to wade through the streams bare feet in the Pine Mountains…
Our Friend Marcus Horton In His Element. Mountain Pine Ridge, Cayo. Credit: Trip Advisor
We travel because of the sound this makes…and the feeling it gives us…and how it silences our thoughts…
Waterfall In Western Belize. Must go!!
Because…we yearn to see sunsets and the way they soothe us…
Golden Ripples. Credit: Pinterest.
We travel because… our souls need these trails.
Back Woods Trail. Credit Raven Watches.
Because…the evening beach just has a way to “fix” us…
Beach And Life Absorption. Photo Credit: wakingtimes.com
Because…these colors on children…
Belizean Children Depicting Cultures Of Belize
We travel because…. there are jungle trails we get to go so slow we can defy all that we have been taught and turn it into an adventure.
A Solitary Hidden Fall In The Jungle Of Western Belize
Because… there is living culture.
The Jankunu Dancers
Because…wherever we go, the bread is awesome!
Cassava Bread In Belize. Credit: ambergriscaye.com
Because… there is fresh produce everyday at the outdoor markets.
Market Time San Ignacio Town
We travel because… some back roads have basketball hoops!
Because…we have friends we just could not live without!
We travel because…the kid in all of us is ALWAYS begging to be celebrated!!
Wherever you go, there you are!
Go by foot, by train, by plane or by boat – but go!
Travel changes everyone’s life.
We think that its time to come to Belize!