14 Facts Of Ancient Indigenous America

Hand Print Cave, Belize
- The American man (Indian) has been on the American continent for more than 30,000 years!
- Before the coming of the Europeans the ancient cultures of America existed in the great splendor of mighty cities such as cities of the Zapotecs, Tainos, Inuit, Maya, Inca and many more
- The cities were based on agriculture and trade; the people understood the value of nature and lived harmoniously with nature
- According to the Guatemalan publication “Leyendo Nuestra Historia: 500 anos de resistencia indigena y popular”, more than 50% of the agricultural products on the planet consumed originate from the America’s
- Tenochtitlan, in Mexico. hosted up to 300,000 inhabitants! This reflected a city 5 times the population of Madrid, Spain at the same time!
Artists Depiction Of Ancient Tenochtitlan. Today Swallowed Up By Mexico City.
- None of the American cultures were isolated from the other. Trade and communication was prominent between them.
- The Inca of South America, amazingly constructed up to 60 kilometers of cobble stone roads.
- The ancient Maya roads (Sac Be – “white road”) can still be found today – most are intra city roads.
- The ancient cultures of America developed a high level of understanding of astronomy, agriculture, medicine and engineering.
- Most ancient American cultures developed terracing to defend the loss of agricultural land.
- Beginning in 1492 the most brutal invasion began in America. Columbus first arrived on American shores from Europe – lost, thinking he is in India.
- The Europeans organized to believe that the American Indian were savages without souls and without emotions.
- The notice of the European conquest was silver and gold. “Gold was the god of the conquistador” (Huatey, 1511)
- The Europeans had guns and steel for weapons and a hidden weapon of germs!
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