10 Things You Must Know About Our Planets Water

View of the Caribbean Sea and splashes of mangrove islands
Welcome to spring and summer in Belize. It’s hot. Incredibly hot! No worries however, this is how Mother Nature designed the tropics. We believe you will love it here!
Everyone goes to the water – everyone!
Some Fresh Water Off The Mountains At Mountain Pine Ridge, Cayo
Here are 10 things you must know about water:
- The total global water available for the planet is 1, 386,000,000 Cubic Kilometers.
- Permafrost and ground ice contribute 0.86%
- Ground water contributes 30.6% of the total water reserves
- Glaciers and permanent snow contribute 68.7% of our planets water supply…sadly, these sources here are melting fast. We need to remember inside the fun of getting cool that the polar ice caps are melting. The oceans are already starting to rise. This can be a potentially dangerous situation for humans all over the low-lying parts of the planet. The polar bears are already being affected in many ways.
- Approximately 70% of all available fresh water is being used for irrigation purposes on the planet!
- 40% of all agricultural production depends on irrigation – during this process,15% is lost just in the transmission to the farms. Another 15% is lost in farm distribution; and 25% is lost during field application.
- Crops use only 45% of our fresh water effectively. These statistics are a good place for someone or a group to develop something to change the world.
Go Chasing Waterfalls!
The very water we all want to run to in the heat is also changing. Incredibly, our water temperatures in Belize range from 77 degrees to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, warm (as opposed to the north American coasts). This water temperature is just fantastic for our reef to thrive. The problem is that our oceans are now starting to become warmer. It is getting bad for the reefs around the world and the turtles too.
- According to some serious studies: approximately 20 per cent of the world’s freshwater fish species have become extinct, threatened or endangered in recent decades
Do yourselves a favor – get on the water sometimes! After all, it only covers 75% of our planet. Lets learn to appreciate water. Plan a trip today!
- More than 50% of the world’s wetlands have been drained and populations of inland water and wetland species have declined by 50 per cent between 1970 and 1999.
- Wow, this – Nearly one third of all humanity relies almost exclusively on groundwater!
Inner Tubing On Mountain Water
We at Nine Belize Ecocultural Tours want to raise awareness about water, its uses and how best to make it available for everyone. We hope you can join us in this education and necessary defense of water so that we can all live better. There are some statistics too gloomy and dire to place here but we invite you to visit one source we used for this essay. Please defend our water starting now!
Contact us at: info@ninebelize.com or tourswithnine@gmail.com