Barton Creek Cave

This tours price is based on 4 guests.
“Chaac, the god of thunder and lightning and rain is an incredibly curious god; his phenomenal being resided in the underworld. Yes, that very same place of fright and of the grotesque. Fascinatingly, unlike any other deity, he was both malevolent and benevolent…”
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Vacation Style Holiday TypeCulture, Discovery, Family, Guided Tours, History
Activity Level Moderate
8 guests per guide
The tour price is USD$75.00 per person Minimum 3 guests.
Barton Creek cave is approximately 15 miles from San Ignacio Town. The first 6 miles are on the highway, the next 7 are off road and the next 4 miles are really off road. The journey itself is a spectacular experience.
The last 4 miles sends us through farms that are predominantly conservative Mennonite. These are the cultural group that North Americans would call Amish because of of their lifestyle: no running water, no electricity from the grid, no mechanical tools or transportation.
Once we get to the site, we prepare our helmets and lights and organize the canoes. This tour will take us about 2-3 hours in a canoe but the inside of the cave is amazing.
When we have completed the touring mission we turn back unto the same community and road way that got us there. Its gonna be fun!
- Transportation
- Entrance fees
- Professional Guide
- Gear
- Lunch (can be arranged)
- Alcoholic beverages