Lamanai is one of ancient Maya cities that survived way past the dawn of the post classic period.people had been living in the area from around 1500BC and the city truly came to prominence around 425AD, the early part of the classic period. What is absolutely impressive is that the people of Lamanai occupied the city though 1600AD. This latter date certainly tells a tale – the European Spanish had made their way to America by the early 1500’s and their religion brought friars who built two churches in and around the city – some of the remains can still be seen at the site.
Map Of Lamanai
Lamanai reflects the translation “submerged crocodile”, perhaps because of the swampy area it was erected around and on the river banks. Crocodiles are seen around the area often today. Apart from the longevity of the site and the evidence of Spaniard priests building churches at the site, the fantastic amounts of pottery and metallurgy (copper) not found in other sites as prominent as Lamanai, truly makes this city one with a great story to offer everyone.
The route we normally take to it is via the river. A one hour boat ride to the docks, in front of the visitor center where an expose of the pottery is prominent, we will arrive at the site with pre classic, classic and post classic architecture will certainly make itself a major part of the ancient Maya storyline that all guests will definitely enjoy.
Its time to come to Belize!