The entire Western line on the map of Belize – a straight line, believe it or not – is bordering with Guatemala. The Peten region of the Guatemalan side has some interesting places to visit. Once one reaches the border crossing in Benque Viejo Del Carmen on the Belize side, and crosses to the immigration in Guatemalan territory, many things change.
Foremost, Spanish becomes the predominant language one will hear. All the signs will be in Spanish and the Belizean dollar suddenly is not the currency to do business with. Its the Guatemalan Quetzal. One Belizean dollars normally exchange anywhere between 3.2-3.5 Quetzal. Unites States currency fluctuates between 6.8 – 7.5 Quetzal to one US dollar.
Nota Benne: All tours to Guatemala require guests to have valid passports and prices from Belize to Guatemala would not include border management fees (We make guests pay that fee themselves – USD$20.00 per person).
Contact us at tourswithnine@gmail.com