They are everywhere…these back roads. Made of raw, sometimes hard and sometimes softer earth, created from the removal of the forest that certainly would cover every square inch of this land if it were not for man. Relax. The environmentalists, even the most conservative of them, find incredible passion in their endeavors when they too get a-moving to study the ever-so-complex web of life our great mother earth affords us in Belize.
Archaeologists are often seen in the back of pick up trucks with gear – pick axes, trowels, shovels, machetes, buckets, sacks of flour, rice, and 5 gallons upon 5 gallons of bottled water. Yes, their scarves around their necks and foreheads too. You get the picture. They wave as they bid farewell from behind pick up trucks that wave back in the form of dust cloud streams. These back roads, the ones that many never soon forget.
Back roads make certain you enjoy them, one way or another. They slow you down many times with the help of other beautiful factors such as dense fog – as if the security guards of these roads, the mist rises and ask for your patience. Its a way it teaches you patience. Breathe. Test yourself. Listen to your inner thoughts. Make certain they are positive. Enjoy the scent of the early morning. Enjoy the view.
Then with the grand sense of humour sometimes, these awesome back roads decide that they would test the drivers skill and without a doubt, if the car makers were honest about the power of their ‘horses under the hood’. Oh yes, these roads we think giggle and sometimes laugh out loud as they teach us how best to deal with frustration with being dead stuck in the middle of a jungle somewhere. Again, breathe. Everything will be all right.
Back roads test us. They are the allies of the true adventurer the worthy ones who will dare be tested by them. Consider them the rugged carpet of the brave and as this great design of earth would have it, back roads and only via back roads, will anyone under the sun get to see something like this…
The Rio On Pools, Mountain Pine Ridge Belize.
Or this…
Rio Frio Cave, Western Belize
Or this…
Beautiful Twilight In The Mountains Of Western Belize.
Back roads represent the growth of all of us. Read the biographies of the successful people on the planet and you will find out that some of their most amazing stories of growth were the rough paths – the necessary rough paths. The truth is, that success is not really the best teacher – those bumpy back roads of our lives are where the beauty comes from. Like the rough terrain of our lives, very much like our back roads in Belize, they are the only place that will lead you to beauty like this…