Chechem Ha Cave - Nine Belize

Chechem Ha Cave

The Road Taken To Che Chem Ha Cave. Cayo, Belize.

Driving west toward the border with Guatemala, there is a turn off the main highway. The turn is a dirt road that leads to what one would think is the middle of nowhere. You would be right! But nowhere we have found out in Belize is actually, somewhere and that somewhere can be absolutely wonderful – if one will take that off road and if one would be willing to pay the price in calories.

Classic Period (AD250 – AD900) Pottery inside the heart of Che Chem Ha Cave

CheChem is the name of the black poison book in Yucatec Maya. “Ha” refers to water. The Chechem tree has a highly toxic resin that if a person is allergic to it, they would break out in hives and watery postures on the skin, just by walking under the tree. Not to worry those trees were removed from any trail you would take through the forest.

The Monkey Pot. Monkeys are thought to have been the gods of writing in Maya mythology.

Once you get to the summit where the entrance of the cave is, you will realize immediately that its a “dry cave”. This means that since most caves are made because of the  abrasive erosion caused by running water, this cave represents a phenomenon that occurs due to the porous limestone which, in this case, the water escaped, leaving nothing but a dry cave. One will notice the curly movement of the pathway inside the cave and realize that indeed water was the architect of this wonderful natural hole in the mountain.

Guests taking the walk inside the vein of the mountain called Chechem Ha Cave

Limestone walls, roof and floor follows you to the main chamber of the cave. The air is damp and one can smell the faint odor of calcification. Its rather very silent in the cave and putting out headlamps and flashlights, one cannot see their hands if they bring it right in front of their eyes. This is one of the reasons perhaps why the Maya called the underworld Xibalba, “the place of fright”.

The Main Chamber to the back portion of the cave

To the furthest back of the cave there is a main chamber where the ancient Maya more than likely did some rituals as this chamber hosts a fire pit and a small Stela-like stone which was a sone used to pay homage to either a deity, an ancestor, or a king. It is important to know that the Maya never lived in caves. They feared and revered caves. Only spiritual leaders, their assistants and when there was sacrifice, the sacrificial victim would enter the dark realm.


Take that turn off the highway with us. Lets get on the dirt road and then let us hike to the cave on the mountain side and visit the great underworld. This will be a great memory for you.

Its time to come to Belize!

Nota Benne: All cave tours in Belize are organized to 8 guests to 1 guide ratio

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