Evidence Of Ritual In the Cave (Broken Pottery – Released Energy
Actun Chapat refers to the “Cave of The Centipede”. There is much lore about the name – also referred to the cave of the serpent for a tale of a serpent that lived in the cave – more like a dragon. So far, we haven’t found that serpent, but we have indeed seen some centipedes.
This cave sits next to a smaller cave known as Actun Halal (Cave Of The Spear) where archaeologists have found the evidence of a mastodon tooth and the remains of an extinct cave bear. Certainly this evidence refers us back to the Paleolithic era when humans were still hunters and gatherers and the age pleistocene animals were still roaming these country sides.
Staring In Awe At The Column
Actun Chapa shows evidence of the ancient Maya. As one may know by now the ancient Maya never lived in caves. Caves were predominantly used for rituals and burials. There are human remains in this cave. At least two can be clearly witnessed.
There is are a couple sacred ritual rooms where certainly the activities there were of religious and spiritual importance. You will Geta a chance to go inside these even more sacred spaces within the already sacred cave site.
Stalactites In the “Ballroom” Reaching Toward The Ground
The geological “art works’ within the cave are spectacular and in some instances, not seen in many caves around Belize – so far there are about 200 registered caves in the country. There are ‘always’ within this cave up to 500 meters wide and long. This alone is incredible to witness as water created these wide spaces deep inside this cave system.
The “Living Room” With Flowing Stone Curtains
Archaeologists suggest that this cave can be longer than 6 miles in length. Not very many people have ventured that deep into this cave to bear witness to it. What we do know however is, that deep in this lake their are 3 lakes, one with a wonderful beach. Maybe this alone should entice one to want to venture within it. We also know that the ancient Maya modified stalactites, stalagmites and glow stone formation to their advantage – whether for style or for the shadows they would cast on the cave walls, making the underworld even more ominous a place to witness and respect.
We know that the ancient Maya also created some stairs and hand and footholds in the sharper and higher reaches of the cave. One of the most impressive evidence of this is working your way up to the sinkhole, high within the bowels of the cave. What is double impressive at this high point is the sky light this opening of the sinkhole provides. We will take you here. Its a great place o take a sip of water and be proud of yourself for all the hard work you have done to his point.
Contact us at: WhatsApp 501-610-2110 or email: tourswithnine@gmail.com and lets go!