10 Things You Must Know About Our Planets Water - Nine Belize

10 Things You Must Know About Our Planets Water

View of the Caribbean Sea and splashes of mangrove islands

Discover the Beauty of Spring and Summer in Belize: A Celebration of Water Welcome to the vibrant seasons of spring and summer in Belize! While it’s incredibly hot during this time, there’s no need to worry—it’s all part of Mother Nature’s design for the tropics. We believe you’ll fall in love with this beautiful destination, especially its inviting waters.


Why Water Matters: 10 Essential Facts

At Nine Belize Ecocultural Tours, we emphasize the importance of water in our lives and the environment. Here are 10 crucial facts you should know about water:

  1. Global Water Reserves: The total global water available on Earth is approximately 1.386 billion cubic kilometers.
  2. Permafrost and Ground Ice: These contribute only 0.86% to the total freshwater resources.
  3. Groundwater Resources: Groundwater accounts for 30.6% of the Earth’s total water reserves.
  4. Melting Glaciers: Glaciers and permanent snow provide 68.7% of our planet’s water supply. Unfortunately, these sources are melting rapidly, leading to rising ocean levels that pose a significant threat to low-lying regions and wildlife, including polar bears.
  5. Irrigation Dependency: About 70% of all available freshwater is used for irrigation, highlighting the importance of efficient water use in agriculture.
  6. Agricultural Challenges: Nearly 40% of global agricultural production relies on irrigation, with 15% lost in transmission to farms and another 15% during on-site distribution. Additionally, 25% is lost during field application.
  7. Crop Water Efficiency: Surprisingly, crops utilize only 45% of the freshwater they receive effectively. These statistics present an opportunity for innovation in sustainable water practices.
  8. Global Fish Species Threat: Recent studies indicate that approximately 20% of the world’s freshwater fish species have become extinct, threatened, or endangered in recent decades.
  9. Wetland Decline: Over 50% of the world’s wetlands have been drained, leading to a 50% decline in populations of inland water and wetland species between 1970 and 1999.
  10. Groundwater Reliance: Shockingly, nearly one-third of humanity depends almost exclusively on groundwater for their survival.


Embrace the Water

Despite the challenges facing our planet’s water resources, there’s still immense beauty to appreciate. In Belize, our water temperatures range from 77 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit—perfect for enjoying our magnificent coral reefs. However, rising ocean temperatures are increasingly threatening marine life, including our delicate reefs and sea turtles. So, what can you do? We encourage you to get out on the water and truly experience its wonders. Water surrounds 75% of our planet—let’s learn to appreciate and protect it!

Join Our Cause

At Nine Belize Ecocultural Tours, we are committed to raising awareness about water conservation and sustainable practices. We invite you to join us in this vital effort to defend and cherish our water resources for future generations. For more information or to join our tour, please contact us at tourswithnine@gmail.com or via WhatsApp at 501-610-2110. Let’s defend our water, starting now!